
Friday 8 June 2012

7th World Meeting of Families: My Reflection

The 7th World Meeting of Families held in Milan from 30 May to 3 June 2012 was a meaningful and moving, edifying and encouraging event. It comprised a Theological-pastoral Congress, Feast of Testimonies with sharings by families given in the Pope’s presence followed by his spontaneous response, a meeting between the Holy Father and 80,000 confirmation candidates at the Meazza Stadium, and a concluding Mass celebrated by the Holy Father in the Northern Park of the Region of Bresso. Official records have it that the Congress was attended by 6,900 delegates from 153 nations, the Feast of Testimonies by 350,000 people and the Mass by 1,000,000.

All these component functions of the 7th World Meeting of Families were simply too overwhelming to put into a brief sharing. In this instalment of my column, BITS AND PIECES, I would like to single out a few points for sharing.

First of all, the sight of 6,900 participants in the Convention Hall of the Fieramilanocity was awesome. Their interest in the Congress spoke loudly of their seriousness with regard to family life and desire to proclaim to the world God’s design for the family. It is possible in the present world, as always, to be committed to one’s marriage and family, even in the midst of problems, challenges and sufferings. Genuine love is ready to embrace one’s spouse and family and seek their good, whatever be the cost. Love was the hallmark of the Congress.

Secondly, on the second day of the Congress, before the programme began, a big group of delegates from Zimbabwe sang and danced to the drum beats orchestrated by a couple of men. That was delightful and entertaining. Needless to say, it attracted a huge crowd of spectators. Joy and gaiety filled the air. Despite the problems faced in their own country, these delegates could still sing and dance in joy, because they had faith in Jesus Christ. That was the joy that the world could not give but only Christ can and does give.

Thirdly, the whole roped in about 5,000 volunteers, many of whom were young people, to help delegates and participants to go to the right places, attend to their needs and so forth. I am sure even well before the event, these volunteers had to attend meetings and go through familiarization as well as training sessions. During the event, they were there the whole day long everyday to attend to delegates. Surely, these volunteers would have been tired. But they kept the fatigue to themselves and radiated smiles of joy as they went about serving the delegates. What love and commitment their gestures reflected! There are indeed countless young people who are committed to their faith in Jesus Christ and willing to be faithful disciples of His. Surely, they give hope to the world.

Fourthly, at the Pope’s meeting with the 80,000 confirmation candidates, a big group of choreographers staged a colourful, mesmerising and moving performance, couched in a meaningful prayer service. The performance that used up the whole football field of the Meazza Stadium featured a number of scenes. Among them was the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove with His seven gifts poured out on the confirmation candidates. Following that, they were directed by the Lord to “put out into the deep” (Lk. 5:4). As they did so, they netted a large number of fishes. The Pope and the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola, were in the boat. The big catch was depicted by hundreds of actors dressed in silvery garments that glittered in the bright light of the hot sun.

Chapter 21 of John’s Gospel also presents the story of a miraculous catch of large fish by the apostles who followed the risen Lord’s instruction. The number of fish caught was 153. I cannot resist the temptation of mentioning this because of the number of nations participating in the 7th World Meeting was also 153. Some scholars interpret the number 153 of John’s Gospel as representing the number of nations in the known world then. Was it divine providence to bring in delegates from 153 nations to this World Meeting of Families and inspire the producers of the choreography to depict the story of the miraculous catch?

The choreography sent a powerful message to the assembly. The Church is sent out to the deep – that is, the world that is torn in so many ways by secularism, materialism and individualism. The goal is to proclaim the risen Lord and bring people to Him. This mission is far from easy. But with the Holy Spirit present and led by the Pope as Christ’s Vicar, the Church will have a miraculous catch.

This miraculous catch was in a sense already experienced at the concluding Mass of the 7th World Meeting of Families. One million is a huge number. The Holy Father drew this crowd. In an unending chorus, they called out his name in Italian – BE-NED-DET-TO. At the end of each function, the salutation “Viva il Papa!” echoed unceasingly until he disappeared from the scene. All these were clear signs of the love people have for the Pope. This went contrary to the negative opinion the press generally held.

More importantly, in the person of the Pope, the faithful gathered in the Northern Park of the Region of Bresso for the Mass, saw the Vicar of Christ. What could this be if not faith in Christ and fidelity to Him?

Archbishop John Ha

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